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For the holiday, a thread on how to befriend crows.


Befriending crows is a wonderful thing.

I have many crow friends at home and at work. They bring joy at unexpected moments and can rescue a miserable day even without shaking down the dust of snow that Robert Frost described.

This thread is an updated version of one I posted at the bird site in July 2019.

#birding #birdwatching #birds #urbanbirding #crows #corvids #crow #corvid #crowfriends
Portrait of an American crow

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I've seen YouTube videos about this but I'm afraid to try it. I don't want to be "that weird old geek on the third floor of building ten with all the bird shit on his balcony." 😈
Related: it's a good thing cats can't climb up that wall.
I've always wanted to do this because I love crows, but I've wondered if it's a bad idea for the same reason you shouldn't try to befriend other wildlifeβ€”they might grow dependent, for instance. Do you have any perspective on that?
this is so great. i have on occasion seen a crow in my neighborhood but way up high. it's only because i live on a hill that i'm able to see it. any advice on how i might be able to make friends with such a crow? i don't believe i've ever seen them closer to the street level but, instead, soaring over trees.

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