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I just learned today that I've contracted #COVID-19, just mere days after wishing Trump died from it. This news made me reflect on my behavior, and I'm now convinced I should have wished him dead harder because the little I did obviously didn't work.

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oh no

here's hoping it's mild for you
Holy shit. I'm sorry, Hypolite.

My fingers are crossed for you. Hang in there.
Remember to spit on things your right wing neighbors commonly handle...
My diseaseful spite is only for Trump.
Take care, keep isolated!
All the best for you and yours @Hypolite Petovan crossing my fingers for a mild progression and no leftovers in the aftermath.
I'm also crossing Michael's and Christian's fingers for the same. πŸ˜€
I hope you'll get better soon! Please let us now how you are every now and then...
@KAOS At the moment I'm fine. I'm not great but I can work which relieves some of the worry about this situation.
@Hypolite Petovan Wishing you strength and a speedy recovery!

Let us know how we can help, if possible. Take care and get well soon.
Because without his utter incompetence if you live in the US you probably wouldn't have had it in the first place. Well wishes. We need people like you.
Btw, I also hate this asshole of a president, but I love most Americans. ^ ^ I know where to draw a line here. ^ ^
And I actually don't want Trump to die before the election, because that would lead to a legally complicated situation. However, I wish with all my heart that he will suffer badly, because he really deserves it. >πŸ˜›
Ach! I hope 🀞 it’ll be mild and won’t affect you too much! πŸ€—πŸ™
sent you a PM please let me know if you did not get it.
I just received both your PM and a whole host of your replies on my posts. Welcome back to your node!
Very strange delay on this post "3 months ago (Received 3 hours ago) β€’ "

So glad you are still with us Hypolite!
I’ve also received a bunch of comments from 3 months ago 3 hours ago as well. I don’t know what happened, but the floodgates have finally opened!
lol, oh dear, funny to get a 3 month old post like this, and then, before I've read through all that you've said I'm thinking "I'm pretty sure I mentioned well wishes to him in a related post", and then just about spit-take as I hit your punch line. .. At least, it reads as a punch line with the distracting mental activity.

Did you wind up recovering alright, @Hypolite Petovan ?
Yes, thank you, I did not have severe symptoms in the first place and I made what I believe is a full recovery.

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