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Is there a place to buy mp3s of albums that I can download that isn't Amazon and also has a wider selection than Bandcamp? like, I want to buy some albums that are from popular artists who just aren't on Bandcamp but I also don't want to patronize Amazon if I can help it
The only non-GAFAM alternative I know about is 7digital, but I'm getting tired of only being able to point to them, and I'd be happy to learn about other viable options. There have to be others somewhere out there...?

deejoe reshared this.

I've found a mildly decent-adjacent selection of pop music on and

deejoe reshared this.

I asked this same question here in January, and while I don't want to go down the rabbithole of finding that thread again, here are the bookmarks I kept from it:

I have since used 7digital and been happy with the experience.

deejoe reshared this.

Oooh! Oooh! I've got this one.

My wife and I have used Soundike for several years, after a recommendation from my uncle.

My chief complaints are:

  • It's a deposit system, rather than pay-as-you-go (but then again, tracks and albums are so cheap, you can spend the $30 you'd spend on 3 albums elsewhere and instead get about 15 albums out of it.
  • It only offers MP3 as download (no FLAC or anything else).

Still, those are relatively minor complaints. That and Bandcamp are where I tend to buy music these days.

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