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I can get as excited as the next person at cutting edge clean technologies. But I also love the simple solutions, the folk wisdom, the public domain knowledge that we can apply to live well and equitably within planetary limits. Here are a few of my favorites - what are yours?

- the bicycle
- the cover crop
- the compost pile
- the hand-me-down chain
- the mending circle
- the live music evening
- the repair cafe
- the library
- the shade tree
- the rain garden
- the sidewalk
Agreed! I know some people who are big into techno solutions, and I value this reminder that answers (or partial answers, even) don't have to be big or flashy.
@Spencer @Dr. Elizabeth Sawin✨ My absolute favorite is the distribution system allowing running water for all. This isn't very old, the British mandate to have running water in every household dates from the XXth century. The grand-parents of my own generation definitely remember a time when some people around them had to get water from a remote source.

Next on my list is the sewer system, which allowed high density cities to thrive without choking on their own excrements. Neither of them are particularly complex technologies to grasp, but the coordinated efforts they both required to be implemented is for me a marvel to behold.
Reusing xmas cards
Giving 2nd hand as gifts
Repairing old furniture
Repairing clothes
2nd hand clothes (buy and give)
Extending product lifetime
Reusing single-use
Sorting for recycling
Demanding repair services
Lending tools
Own garden potatoes, fruits and berries
Picking berries, mushrooms and wild herbs (know your stuff!)

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